Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 10 EOC: Golden Globes

"The purpose of media planning is to conceive, analyze, and creatively select channels of communication that will direct advertising messages to the right people in the right place at the right time." 
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill.

For this Advertising Strategy I decided to choose in particular this movie called "Carol".
The first point to discuss will be Target Audience. In my opinion I've never heard about this movie, but the Academy decided to nominated to a award like Best Motion Drama. This movie is about a relationship between two women in the 50's. So for me, the Target Audience will be the LGBT Community, the reason why this movie need to do money on the box office, so the LGBT Community is the Target to start promoting the movie and then the community can recommended with their friends which the people who has not seen the movie they can go and see it.
The Product Concept is have to be develop with different dynamics in order to showcase the best qualities, what this mean is the quality of the product, so the product to sell is the movie. The plot of the movie needs to be well done, needs to sell a history that the viewers can critique and give an opinion to other and then highly recommended because meanwhile the movie is on the movie theaters can earn money.
The Media Communications for this specific movie doesn't have to be the exception. the most usable is the social media, using Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. The less usable media communications for advertise this movie will be the TV or Radio. So like result they have to put a lot of effort on the social media because now every person use their smart phone, take advantage of this new fashion.
The last thing is the Advertising Message, this one is so simple, the message to sell this movie is go and watch the movie, obviously the company need to create previews without sex explicit content because everyone have access to the social media, so they have to take care of that. create a preview where they can extract the scenes where the both girls can sell the story, where the people want to go and watch the movie.

"Marketing plans generally do a number of important things, such as to State or restate the organization's mission. Assess a brand's current marketing situation and identify factors, both within the company and in the environment, that may help or hinder achieving marketing objectives. Present clear, measurable, time-delineated marketing objectives. Describe strategies that will be used to achieve marketing objectives with specific target markets. Describe tactics or action programs for implementing the marketing strategy. Explain how the effectiveness of the marketing efforts will be evaluated."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week 9 EOC: Sipnosis

My web video is about the H&M stores, creating an advertising campaign to increase the sales on specific men department, but to be more specific is on the cardigans clothes. The video that I am planning to do is pretty simple and basic, the reason why is I want to make men buy this pieces not just because the weather is changing and you need it to cover yourself to be warm, if not every men need to have complete his closet with this garment and make complete the outfit, no matter if it is causal or formal.
The video will content a short story in if you put attention a little bit in the way how you dress, you will see the changes that can have your life. I called the video "The First Impression Counts".
The video begin like a typical morning in a typical apartment where just only live a guy, this why works an advertising agency, so this guy is a sales person on the company, for that reason he need to have a dress code very strict. The next scene is he getting ready to go to work like a normal guy, but outside is cold, so for that reason he need to choose which cardigan or coat is going to wear on his way to work. At the moment that he left his apartment he started notice that every women on the street is putting attention on him because he is wearing a gorgeous cardigan that match with his suit and he looks very handsome, when he get to work he go straight to a meeting so the big client of the day is a women so he have to convince her that she have to work for this company, she look at him very slowly, not flirting, she just was watching at him her look, how handsome and professional is his outfit, so after his speech, the lady accepted because the sales person was the key of this deal, on how represent the company and obviously the way that he dress.


The company need to keep in mind that we need to create money, we have to plan a strategy that make this work out. The specific are is Cardigans, sell most cardigans you can during the day, make a plan and have a goal like a worker.
"The market and money elements of the media mix also depend on the sales potential of each area. National advertisers use this factor to determine where to allocate their advertising dollars. Planners can determine an area's sales potential in several ways."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill

H&M need to be focus on the costumers but also need to be focus on the competition, why because other brand can copy our designs and they can start doing more money with our ideas, so need to focus on when we suppose to start the advertising campaign, we don't have to be the first one and never been the last ones. The competition can take advantage and expose maybe copies of our designs or come out with a fresh line, obviously we have to be positives that are designs are be always on the top and every men will kill anyone to have them (hypothetically speaking). 
"Advertisers always consider what competitors are doing, particularly those that have larger advertising budgets. This affects the media, mechanics, and methodology elements of the media mix."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill

The mood of the message is very important in how is going to be the impact to our costumers and after watch an ad about our cardigans they just decide to go to our stores and just check out our designs it make us feel very good because if one person do not get nothing from the store maybe the other one is going to get it because it wasn't is his plans get a cardigan, where maybe this person in particular can have a lot on his closet, but that is how social media can help a little bit. We need to send just only the message, not include subliminal messages because the people can get it wrong and our goal is every men wear our H&M cardigans no matter the age or culture if it fits you and you can pay for it just go for it.
"An important influence on the media element of the mix is how well a medium works with the style or mood of the particular message."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill


The goal of H&M is that every men can get it without complains. This goal can be make it doing deals with the costumers, giving half price when they buy another one or getting one expensive and the other one will be free, thats how we going to get the whole attention and there is not will be competition for us. We have to be open to the costumer because we are going behind of his money and they need to look very interested on get out products. 
"The methodology element refers to the overall strategy of selecting and scheduling media vehicles to achieve the desired message weight, reach, frequency, and continuity objectives. It offers the opportunity for creativity in planning, negotiating, and buying."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

The regional plan for a cardigan will be put in special depends the region and type of cold, what thats mean with this if the cold is extremely hard give the option that the long and warm cardigans have special price or special deals, because the store is going to pop up from the other ones and we not going to have any other competition that can take us our loyal costumers.
"A regional plan may cover several adjoining metropolitan areas, an entire state or province, or several neighboring states. Regional plans typically employ a combination of local media, regional editions of national magazines, spot TV and radio, and the Internet."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

We have to make this deal real, we have to make post in social media that is real that we going to stay up on our promise about the special in the stores and create ads for TV and Radio too. We need to take advantage after the big holidays put more effort after everything and been the only store that for this season we can have a long term deal no matter the hours, the only thing that care is you costumer get our beautiful cardigans.
"In countries that do allow TV advertising, advertisers face other problems: how many people own TV sets, who they are, and what channels they receive."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    


Like this quote explain to us what happened here, we need to make that men love our cardigans and create a loyal clients that next year feel happy to wear our designs again. We have to sold out before the season ends, including holidays, but in specific holidays give to the clients offer where they going to be able to get not even one or two, the goal is make them get more that one or two because are cheaper, and the designs are fresh. 
"People love the iPhone, or at least that is what the long lines and sold-out inventory of new iPhone3G's at Apple stores in July of 2008 would suggest. "
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill                            

After the winter season is gone is very recomendable make a statistical sample to know how the people is positioned our stores in the marketing and do it before the next season start because the company needs to know if the designs were cool for the people or the next ones are going to be accept for the costumers.
"The basic way to express audience size is simply to count the number of people in a medium's audience. This is what media research firms like Nielsen and Arbitron do for the broadcast media, typically using a statistical sample to project the total audience size."       Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill  



The H&M stores have to focus on get a loyal costumers who likes cardigans for winter season and every single year the want to get at least one. This not even depends not only the managers, depends to the people who are sales person why, because their are the people who is going to help you like a costumer where are located the product until if you look good with the merchandise on you.
"Companies must focus on managing loyalty among carefully chosen customers and stakeholders (employees, centers of influence, stockholders, the financial community, and the press)."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

The company needs to have a huge control on the press, because everyone knows that if  a cardigan is not a good quality or is to much expensive they can attack us. Like a company we have to take care the different people who comes through our stores and like a sales person put us in the place of the costumer because at the end we are a costumer too so we want to be help. 
"The relationship a company seeks with a customer is different from the one it seeks with the press. However, there is often significant overlap in stakeholder roles."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

The company need to have an authority on the different types of social media where the place their advertising campaigns, because the merchandise is target of the competition to speak out very bad if we are a successful company, we are a company that we gives to the clients what they needs or ask for. 
"Companies that adopt an IMC approach, according to Nowak and Phelps, tend to focus on four related tactics: (1) less emphasis on advertising via the mass media, (2) heavier reliance on targeted messages and on reaching smaller segments, (3) increased use of consumer data, and (4) changed expectations for marketing communications suppliers."

Every day in the store we are not for work and receive money for our work, that not the message that the costumer needs to know, the message is we are there for them because we really like the clothes there, we have experience wearing it and is a placer help them to make the right choice. 
"To influence customers' perceptions, marketers must understand one of the basic premises of IMC: that everything we do (and don't do) sends a message. "

Like a company we have to check the values, practice with the costumers. Because the values of the company are the base and then you going to know what is the direction of the company. So for every season change is much better if we refresh our values like a company.
"The advertising manager first reviews the marketing plan to understand where the company is going, how it intends to get there, and the role of advertising in the marketing mix."


When H&M stores introduce to the market the new designs of cardigans, the company have already the target, this means most of the designs are for young men who like wear cheap clothes to look good, so that is the goal of the company create fresh designs where every men no matter their economic situation can get it because its winter and everyone is going to like you if you renew your closet.
"When General Motors introduced its new Saturn SC1 model, for instance, it defined its target market as “college-educated import owners and intenders”—highly educated young adults (18 to 34) considering their first or second car purchase. They were further defined as 60 percent female, living in one- or two-person households, and seeking a vehicle with sporty styling, fun performance, fuel economy, a good warranty, and sound quality/reliability/dependability. They typically drive a Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, or Nissan 240SX." 
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

Right here we have to change something in every advertising campaign, we have to be honest with our clients, how we going to get that, taking off the handsome models and artists that appears in every billboard and introduce to the market fresh meat. How fresh meat? Yes normal people with truthfully testimonies where they are new clients of H&M and they are happy to wear every cardigan that they get it from the store.  
"Many positions are available in a market. The big mistake many companies make is not staking out any position. They can't be everything; but they don't want to be nothing."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

Every representative of the company need to put attention and put in practice the plan. When a costumer come in to the store and ask for what type of cardigan will be the best for him, we have to be ready to give them a pretty good option and obviously a regular price, something in between cheap or expensive, after that will be able to observe the client how much money is going to spend in the store for that specific clothes. 
"Managers of small companies have an advantage here. Surrounded by the details of the business, they are more likely to discover a good tactic that can be developed into a powerful strategy. However, that's not to say that a large company cannot profit from bottom-up marketing."
The most important to be grow up the store and hold huge sales is getting loyal clients that before we treated very well and like result the come back to get something else. In this case if at the beginning of the season got a cardigan with a lot of questions, but you give him a pretty cool attention and a good advice about the type of cardigan that he bought, later he is going to come back to get another one and he is going to be asking for you because he really like your taste.    
"Customers, not products, are the lifeblood of the business."


The consumers of Cardigans don't feel any obligation to buy this specific type of clothes, they get it because they know what is the benefit for them. The benefit for them is protect their bodies for the cold. So they know that the Cardigans need to be warm and the fabrics need to have a high quality.
"Consumers seek various benefits in the products they buy—high quality, low price, status, sex appeal, good taste, health consciousness."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill.

For this particular part we can say that the men who love wear cardigans, there's a lot of types of cardigans on the marketing, they need to search the proper one for the part or country where they live. What i try to say is depends the intensity of the cold is how the style of the cardigan is going to buy the costumer. In fact, the region or country is going to define the style, design and color of the cardigan.
"People in one region of the country (or the world) have needs, wants, and purchasing habits that differ from those in other regions."      
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill.

If we have a client who lives in a city where the cold is extremely hard, this costumer in specific is going to start searching on different stores the proper cardigan for him, but more specific the price, how much is going to pay for the pice of clothing and if is going to worth it. Speaking about the cardigans form H&M are the best for this case because the offer to most simple one to the more warmest one, where the client is not going to complain about the basic factors and he is going to be happy with his purchase. "The biggest problem is invariably the budget. There is never enough money to attack all geographic or demographic markets effectively at the same time."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week 7 EOC: The Pitch

My idea is about why men have to or need to buy cardigans, especially from H&M Stores.
Every men needs to have in their closet cardigans because no matter the place that you live, where going to vacation or the event that you going to experiment, to make complete their outfit you need a cardigan, to cover yourself from the cold or to cover your arms if you don't like to show your any body paints that you can have. The experience wearing cardigans is look good and properly dress in winter season, is make the men start making conscience that this type of clothes men can wear and you will be men no matter what, so at the same time we are taking off all stereotypes.
The big reason about why you should wear cardigans about this specific store is because they have a fresh styles, brand new every single year and are cheaper on the marketing, so no matter what is your economic situation you will be able to get a new one or more as you decide and then make your closet blow up. Let's just talk about the  impact that you going to have if your decision is start wearing this specific brand. Until now is positioning in one of the favorite under the people of 20s to 30s. So with this huge impact in that ages, mostly are single and are looking for that special person, so you know that the first impression cares a lot, so wearing one cardigan, no matter the model or color, if it fits with your body, your will be more attractive to that special person who you will have a date.  

Week 6 EOC: Jobs In Advertising

In the future I would like to have a job like Account Manager in one of the best Advertising firms. The reason why I want to do this job is because I would be the client’s representative. The job title will be Director of Account Service. This job is responsible for management of the departments. The responsibilities include budgets, costs, resource allocation. Provide strategic leadership. I think I have a great skills with costumer service, so for me this position will be the best because I love been around of clients and make them comfortable, giving them what they need.

I think I’ll be great leader for any firm because I have business experience, in some words, I prefer be in departments that I can be in contact with the client. Another position that I think I’ll be good is a sales person, the reason why is because I am an easy going person, so I think I will have that power to convince the client to open an account with us. The principal reason that I would like to be a sales person is because they go out to close a deal, they have like a little party so for me is involved work and fun at the same time and I think is a good therapy because you like a sales person will be enjoying your position in the company and you’ll do an excellent work.    

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week 2 EOC: Volkswagen Scandal

Winterkorn to Resign as CEO of Porsche Holding Company Amid Volkswagen Probe.

Volkswagen AG ’s former chief executive,  Martin Winterkorn, is stepping down as head of  Porsche Automobil Holding SE,  the holding company owned by the Porsche and Piech families that control a majority of the German auto group’s voting stock said Saturday.
The move comes less than a month after Mr. Winterkorn quit as CEO of Volkswagen, after the company admitted it manipulated emissions tests of some diesel-powered cars and light trucks in the U.S. and Europe. The company is under investigation on suspicion of fraud on both sides of the Atlantic and is preparing to launch a massive recall of up to 11 million vehicles.

The holding company, belonging to the Porsche and Pietch families, owns around 52% of Volkswagen’s voting stock and is the car maker’s largest shareholder. Porsche SE has no direct management control over Volkswagen.

Hans Dieter Pötsch, Porsche SE’s finance chief and the chairman of Volkswagen’s supervisory board, will succeed Mr. Winterkorn as CEO on Nov. 1.

Volkswagen’s admission of cheating on emissions tests has put the company under intense pressure and triggered wider questions about the auto industry, which is central to Germany’s economy.
German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks has called for tougher testing and regulations to ensure that diesel vehicles run clean.
Volkswagen last week suspended a fourth senior engineer, a person familiar with the situation said on Thursday, as the company’s new chief executive,  Matthias Müller, called for a more decentralized business organization.

Porsche Automobile Holding was created in 2007 when car maker Porsche AG bought Volkswagen shares in a bid to take over the larger car maker. A bitter battle ensued between cousins  Wolfgang Porsche and former Volkswagen Chairman  Ferdinand Piech, the grandson of  Ferdinand Porsche who invented the original Volkswagen, for control. In the end, Volkswagen acquired Porsche and by 2012 Porsche SE became Volkswagen’s anchor shareholder
VW scandal: German motoring giant ordered to recall 8.5 million cars

Volkswagen is to recall 8.5 million cars in Europe as a result of the diesel emissions scandal. The move followed Germany’s rejection of a VW proposal to let affected owners bring their cars in voluntarily.
News of the mandatory recall, the biggest in Europe, came as Italian police announced they had carried out raids on VW offices. It was also revealed that one of the car firm’s top engineers had been suspended as part of the internal investigation.

The recall followed the rejection of VW’s offer to fix 2.4 million cars sold to customers in Germany by the national motoring watchdog, the Federal Motor Transport Authority.

The watchdog said VW must share technical details of its engine emission fix with authorities by mid-November, and the recall will begin in January, according to a Bloomberg report.

 Volkswagen’s Sales Hold Up in Immediate Aftermath of Emissions Scandal
European auto-industry data for September showed no immediate impact on Volkswagen AG VLKAY -2.70 % ’s sales after the eruption of the emissions scandal that forced the German company last month to lower earnings estimates, take a $7.4 billion charge and change its chief executive.
New-car registrations for September, released Friday, indicate that Volkswagen continued to benefit from a broad recovery in Europe’s car market despite the midmonth revelation that the company had cheated on auto-emissions testing.
For the full month, Volkswagen’s new passenger-car registrations, a proxy for sales, rose 8.4% in the European Union, slightly below the 9.8% advance for the market as a whole, according to data by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association, or ACEA.
Volkswagen’s monthly increase outpaced its January-to-September performance and was in line with the company’s percentage gain for all of 2014, when it sold about 3.6 million vehicles in Europe.

 Former Volkswagen Chief to Resign as Head of Holding Company
Mr. Winterkorn, 68, has denied knowing about the illegal software, but many critics have said his autocratic management style and his determination to make Volkswagen the world’s largest automaker may have contributed to the crisis. His resignation will take effect at the end of October, Porsche SE said. The company did not explain why Mr. Winterkorn had not stepped down sooner.
Porsche SE holds shares in Volkswagen owned by descendants of Ferdinand Porsche, who designed the Volkswagen Beetle. Hans Dieter Pötsch will replace Mr. Winterkorn as chief executive of the holding company, Porsche SE said. Last month, Matthias Müller, who ran the Volkswagen division that makes Porsche sports cars, replaced Mr. Winterkorn as chief of Volkswagen.

After VW scandal, new emissions tests may drive up diesel prices
However much Volkswagen has to aside to address the flak from the company's ongoing diesel-emissions scandal, it could still be less expensive than the cost of making diesels realistically adhere to stricter emissions-testing mandates. New rules are likely to be put into place as a result of the revelations that as many as 11 million VW diesel vehicles were programmed to game the emissions-testing system by triggering artificially low emissions levels. There's a potential problem, though, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA).

Governments around the world are calling for more intense tests that would better simulate real-world driving conditions. Some of the mandates suggested by the European Union could make the process a costly one, however. And that would boost diesel-vehicle production costs to the point that the lower refueling costs via cheaper fuel and better fuel economy won't be able to justify the higher purchase price.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

As an Advertising Professional, my goal is open my own firm in the "Big Apple" (New York) and have all kind of clients. Art is something that we can express our feelings, who we are and the events that occur during the life, that's why we are unique persons because everybody has a unique way to do it. In a few words, do art to sell, what I think is a very good combination no matter what kind of product you going to work on. My inspiration is Fashion, I would like to do fashion ads. I think the best thing that you can do if you want to be success is open your own business because you going to earn money selling a product or a service. In this field, my work will be help other to sell their products but at the same time I am selling my service. For last, I will be very proud about myself when my Advertising Firm is one of the best of the marketing because every time that I pass by for any billboard and see the ad, always have in my mind that I was behind of the creation of that Advertising Campaign, turning the company to another level. So my dream is create a brand, a new experience to the viewers on every ad.