Thursday, December 3, 2015


When H&M stores introduce to the market the new designs of cardigans, the company have already the target, this means most of the designs are for young men who like wear cheap clothes to look good, so that is the goal of the company create fresh designs where every men no matter their economic situation can get it because its winter and everyone is going to like you if you renew your closet.
"When General Motors introduced its new Saturn SC1 model, for instance, it defined its target market as “college-educated import owners and intenders”—highly educated young adults (18 to 34) considering their first or second car purchase. They were further defined as 60 percent female, living in one- or two-person households, and seeking a vehicle with sporty styling, fun performance, fuel economy, a good warranty, and sound quality/reliability/dependability. They typically drive a Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, or Nissan 240SX." 
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

Right here we have to change something in every advertising campaign, we have to be honest with our clients, how we going to get that, taking off the handsome models and artists that appears in every billboard and introduce to the market fresh meat. How fresh meat? Yes normal people with truthfully testimonies where they are new clients of H&M and they are happy to wear every cardigan that they get it from the store.  
"Many positions are available in a market. The big mistake many companies make is not staking out any position. They can't be everything; but they don't want to be nothing."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill    

Every representative of the company need to put attention and put in practice the plan. When a costumer come in to the store and ask for what type of cardigan will be the best for him, we have to be ready to give them a pretty good option and obviously a regular price, something in between cheap or expensive, after that will be able to observe the client how much money is going to spend in the store for that specific clothes. 
"Managers of small companies have an advantage here. Surrounded by the details of the business, they are more likely to discover a good tactic that can be developed into a powerful strategy. However, that's not to say that a large company cannot profit from bottom-up marketing."
The most important to be grow up the store and hold huge sales is getting loyal clients that before we treated very well and like result the come back to get something else. In this case if at the beginning of the season got a cardigan with a lot of questions, but you give him a pretty cool attention and a good advice about the type of cardigan that he bought, later he is going to come back to get another one and he is going to be asking for you because he really like your taste.    
"Customers, not products, are the lifeblood of the business."

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