Thursday, December 3, 2015


The consumers of Cardigans don't feel any obligation to buy this specific type of clothes, they get it because they know what is the benefit for them. The benefit for them is protect their bodies for the cold. So they know that the Cardigans need to be warm and the fabrics need to have a high quality.
"Consumers seek various benefits in the products they buy—high quality, low price, status, sex appeal, good taste, health consciousness."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill.

For this particular part we can say that the men who love wear cardigans, there's a lot of types of cardigans on the marketing, they need to search the proper one for the part or country where they live. What i try to say is depends the intensity of the cold is how the style of the cardigan is going to buy the costumer. In fact, the region or country is going to define the style, design and color of the cardigan.
"People in one region of the country (or the world) have needs, wants, and purchasing habits that differ from those in other regions."      
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill.

If we have a client who lives in a city where the cold is extremely hard, this costumer in specific is going to start searching on different stores the proper cardigan for him, but more specific the price, how much is going to pay for the pice of clothing and if is going to worth it. Speaking about the cardigans form H&M are the best for this case because the offer to most simple one to the more warmest one, where the client is not going to complain about the basic factors and he is going to be happy with his purchase. "The biggest problem is invariably the budget. There is never enough money to attack all geographic or demographic markets effectively at the same time."
Arens, W., Weigold, M., and Arens, C. (2010). Contemporary Advertising, 13th Ed. McGraw-Hill.


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